Anne Kim

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Deconstructed Camera

I'm a film camera! Anne likes me!

Welcome to photography page!

May 26, 2019

I'm using Piwigo since it's an open-source and unlimited photo hosting website. Eventually, I'll host this whole website. For now, you can checkout my Piwigo hosted galleries at

Another TODO for photos is to figure out how to make a purely html and CSS photo gallery. I was playing around with this CodePlayer Code, but I could not quite figure out how to edit it such that the images could be my own images. I think it has to do something with the particulars of the dimensions or image size. Another alternative was to use this BASICuse example made by a Sergey Fedus. If you can help me out with either of these lines or alternative examples of purely html and css photo galleries, please contact me. Thanks!

For now, I'll just keeps my favorite photos of 2018 statically here. Enjoy~